
It is vital that WRAD has as many different voices and points of view on the airwaves as possible. Doing a regular music, talk, or issue-specific news show for WRAD is the easiest and most fun way to get involved.
Click here to learn more!

We need knowledeable people who are very aware about important but underreported local, national, and world news events. (Anarchist harDCore people, neo-hippies, local Amnesty International chapters, activists of all stripes, we're talking to you!) The goal is to have an alternative radio news source in Jax besides the biased centrist Republican Limbaughites at WOKV and the "Save the world, but don't take away my Mercedes!" bleeding hearts over at NPR. We want to conver the stuff that too often gets ignored by mainstream news media- protests, human rights infringements by our and other governments, watchdog stories on the heedless greed of multinational corporations, alerts on environmental destruction, that kind of stuff. We also want a unique slant on local news (overdevelopment tirade, anyone?). News from the front of the micropower movement is also important.

This will be a major project, and eventually a major part of our operations. You'll have the full support of the station crew and access to all our technical resources, including some multi-track recording equipment for editing feature stories.

Bands, get the airplay you know you deserve! Send us your CD's, records, tapes, *.mp3's, *.wav's- any format you like. As long as they don't break our four rules, we'll put them in our regular rotation pile- the stuff that's on the air between shows.

We also always appreciate mixtapes and mix CD's from anyone. (Just make sure it's not full of artists that already get major airplay- that could cause us all legal trouble.)

We need people who know the ins and outs of the internet, audio streaming software, and linking up two or more PC's in a network over DSL or cable line. This is so we can eventually stream audio to remote location transmitters around town and set up a citywide WRAD network. We could also use help with our website. Any experienced web developers or amateurs who'd like to help out or take over sysop/webmaster responsibilites are welcome to contact us.

If we have four or five people on standby willing to put an antenna on their roof, plug a 150-watt transmitter into their wall (space requirements minimal), and hook up to a network or the internet via DSL or cable modem (see above), we could continuously move the station around and avoid FCC raids indefinitely. We could still originate programming from our current facilities, all you'd have to do is let the puppy run and check on it every day or so.

In the near future, people who build or buy their own transmitters and antennas (see links section for links to schematics and suppliers) can join our network on 91.5 FM across town by jacking in to our DSL/cable modem computer network. You could rebroadcast our programming, extending the station's coverage area. Likewise, we'd rebroadcast your programming. If we get more than two transmitters and a computer network that makes it possible, we'll all broadcast each others' programs- no one will be a simple repeater, forced to broadcast source programming, unless that's what they want. This snake has no head.

You can also start your own neighborhood or citywide station on whatever frequency you want- INCLUDING 91.5 FM so long as our signal's not reaching your neighborhood- and we'll support you in any way we can. The more micropower stations on the air in Jacksonville, the better. (See the manifesto for the ethics behind this.) The basic idea is to make the airwaves as unmanageable as possible for the FCC. Then they'll know that the people will have to be given a voice before they can have governable air again.

Want to join us?
Contact us.

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